Hi-Ya Ninjas! Welcome to part 11 of our series- “Meet the Team”, where we get up close and personal about the Master Team and Ninjas behind the scenes! I asked these ninjas a bunch of questions about themselves and learned exciting things about them! I’m your host, Sunshine and I’ll be taking you through these amazing ninjas and the stories behind them.

Today we’ll be talking about Teresa Ly AKA Grandmaster Miso Eel!

Miso Eel is a cofounder, partner, and Chief Operating Officer. She does a little bit of everything, but she makes sure all the departments in the business are running smoothly. An expert with systems, she executes special projects in addition to opening new stores and working with the finances. 💵

What were you doing before Sus-Hi?

Miso Eel: I was studying business at UCF and working at my family’s supermarket. UCF and the small Asian community on 50 hold a very special place in my heart because I grew up there and learned so much. UCF taught me the importance of community and building relationships. The Asian community taught me about my culture and helped me appreciate where we came from. Working those long days and nights at my family’s supermarket taught me how to work extremely hard. That’s something that I have been able to incorporate into all aspects of my life because I truly believe that nothing beats hard work.

If you could start the company all over again, what would you do differently?

Miso Eel: I thought about this question for some time and I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. I believe that everything happens for a reason and the hard times I was dealt was meant for me. My challenges helped me grow as a business owner and made me who I am today. You know how in CrossFit, you always say you’re going to quit during a workout? There have been countless times when I thought I couldn’t do it anymore. But when I look back, it’s those very moments that helped define me. I wouldn’t change a thing because I love who I have become and I am excited for the rest of my journey and transformation.

Name a person/mentor who’s had tremendous impact on you as a leader. Why and how does this person impact your life?

Miso Eel: “As silly as it sounds, my husband has had the biggest impact in my life. He’s always been my biggest supporter and pushes me towards my goals. He holds me accountable. He gives me confidence when I don’t believe in myself, he lifts me up when I fall down, and he’s always the first person to put a smile on my face when I’m feeling down. We started this business together and it was rough at first because we didn’t truly understand each other. If it wasn’t for his open-mindedness to work towards self-improvement, we would still be wandering the business in a state of chaos like many couples do. He’s awesome and one of the funniest, most genuinely caring people you’ll ever meet. I can’t imagine doing life and Sus Hi without him.”

What’s your secret to success? Any habits in particular?

Miso Eel: I have an obsession with challenges. I love the feeling of overcoming and I’m super passionate about what I do and the goals I set in front of me. I believe that no matter who you are and what you decide to do in life, as long as you are willing to live and die by your passions, you will succeed. It’s extremely difficult to have that kind of will power consistently, but sometimes it’s not about consistency. It’s about taking things one step at a time to build up to consistency which will eventually turn into something you simply cannot live without. Set goals, overcome them, set bigger goals, and keep it going.

What is your favorite quote and why?

Miso Eel: ““Never pray for mountains to be moved, but pray for the courage to climb them.” I guess this quote ties everything together. Funny how it came full circle like this 😭” 🧗🏻‍♀️

How does it feel being a part of the Sus-Hi team?

Miso Eel: “I can honestly cry happy tears right now because I love my Ninjas and my Team so freaking much. I have 2 kids and if you ask any other mother, they will say that the love they feel for their kids is indescribable. That’s how I feel when I think about who I get to work with every single day.  I call them my babies. They are seriously the best and I feel like the luckiest mom in the entire universe. “

What’s your favorite part about working at Sus Hi?

Miso Eel: “Besides the Ninjas, I truly enjoy being able to express myself through my work. Every day, we get to build up and mold Sus Hi for the better. We have special projects every week and it’s always fun and challenging.”

What’s your passion?

Miso Eel: “My passion is anything to do with people, but not in the tradition sense. Yes, I do love to talk to people and get to know them, but favorite thing in the entire world is to show love through food, service, and gifts. I am also slightly obsessed with CrossFit. “

What do you do on your days off?

Miso Eel: “Cook, clean, workout, and spend time with the babies. “

What’s your favorite Sus-Hi meal?

Miso Eel: “That’s so hard!!! I have so many things I love to create. Lately, my creation has been white rice bowl with lettuce, cooked shrimp, grilled chicken, volcano, light cheese, light bacon, scallions, cucumbers, edamame, nori seasoning, chili (alot), and fire sauce” 🔥🔥🔥


Thanks for reading, ninjas! I hope you loved learning about Teresa Ly, AKA Grandmaster Miso Eel! If you see her around, don’t be afraid to say hi! She’s always excited to meet new ninjas!